
Viewpoint  長谷川 良 (ウィーン在住)  2019/2/23(土)


 同報告書では、中国共産党プロパガンダ責任者の李長春 (第17期中央政治局常務委員)が2007年、「孔子学院は中国海外プロパガンダ機関である」と述べたこと、共産党文部省幹部の徐琳「孔子学院」事務局長が2010年、「孔子学院はわが国の影響を世界に拡大するための重要なソフトパワーの一部」と語ったことを紹介し、「世界で『孔子学院』を閉鎖する大学が広がっている」と指摘し、少なくとも27の大学や学校で「孔子学院」との協力関係を破棄しているという。例えば、ストックホルム大学、コペンハーゲン・ビジネス・スクール、シュトゥットガルト・メディア大学、ホーエンハイム大学、リヨン大学、シカゴ大学、ペンシルバニア大学、ミシガン大学、 マックマスター大学、トロント・スクールボード 、ノースカロライナ州立大学、イリノイ大学、テキサスA&M大学などで既に閉鎖、ないしはその方向に進んでいる。





 「人権委員会」委員長のフィオナ・ブルース議員( Fiona Bruce )は「われわれは言語学習や文化交流の促進は大歓迎するが、『孔子学院』が学問の自由、表現の自由、基本的な人権、そして国家の安全を脅かしているかを評定する必要がある」と指摘し、「われわれが入手した証拠は『孔子学院』が英国の大学や研究機関に大きな影響を与えていることを証明しており、深刻な懸念がある」と述べている。



The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission believes that the question of the presence of Confucius Institutes in British universities requires immediate and urgent attention. We therefore call on Her Majesty’s Government to consider this report and respond to the concerns outlined, and we recommend the following steps:

1. A review of all current agreements between British universities, schools and other educational institutions and Confucius Institutes;

2. A suspension of further agreements between British universities and educational institutions and Confucius Institutions until such a review has reported;

3. A full and thorough study of all recent reports on Confucius Institutes, including the National Association of Scholars titled Outsourced to China: Confucius Institutes and Soft Power in American Higher Education; the report by Professor Marshall Sahlins titled Confucius Institutes: Academic Malware; the report by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School, titled Confucius Institutes and the Globalisation of China’s Soft Power; Clive Hamilton’s new book Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia; the documentary film, In the Name of Confucius; and other sources referenced in this report and beyond;

4. An investigation into whether British educational institutions, including universities and schools, with Confucius Institutes and classrooms, are involved in discrimination and violate the Equality Act 2010 in their hiring processes;

5. An investigation into whether Confucius Institutes are being used to monitor and intimidate students and/or teachers in the United Kingdom;

6. An investigation into claims that Confucius Institutes impede freedom of expression and academic thought in discussions – particularly in regard to the Tiananmen massacre, Tibet and Taiwan – in order to prevent censorship and protect freedom of expression;

7. A requirement that all colleges, schools and universities require their administrations to present details of their proposed association with Confucius Institutes to the faculty as a whole before signing an agreement;

8. Legislation to require transparency from Confucius Institutes (and all foreign donors) to universities, colleges, schools and other educational institutions in Britain with which they agree contracts and to ensure that foreign institutions are not able to hold undue influence, whether political, ideological or religions, on the curriculum and teaching practices of British institutions;

9. A review of all visas for Confucius Institute teachers, to assess their activities and ensure that the visas are consistent with their original purpose and are lawful and have not exceeded parameters;

10. A requirement that, where Confucius Institutes provide teaching in Chinese history or culture, a truly independent, holistic, balanced, and comprehensive curriculum is adopted, to allow for discussion of a diversity of topics, including Tibet, Taiwan and the Tiananmen massacre.



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